Tuesday, August 21, 2007


Thanks to ryuten, we got 'new' stuff to play around.

Magic lense, or filters. Call it magic filter 1.

Magic filter 2

The lot ryuten brought. Thanks for sharing.

The whole lot of camera equipments and the pentax cam belongs to ryuten. The next super macro shot is the lense of the pentax.

Super macro with 50mm prime and a kit lense from nerdrazor.

AJ's com. Testing some close up shots.

Caught red-handed?

No! Silica gel ain't food dude!

Prime lense, 50mm

Super macro of Pringles.

More super macro shots. This time, the eye!

Well, more Wii.

Love this shot, just background ain't suitable.

A stray cat near our table, managed to "shoot" it.

Pictures courtesy from nerdrazor. I used his cam to shot those pictures so it also goes to me. Now I want a dSLR! Have to wait.......

1 comment:

  1. Nice shots.. I jz love the close up photos hehe.. Esp A jay's laptop and Swing's eye :P dSLR really fun to take pics wif but expensive ^^"
